“Welcome to BennettForkner.com. I’m so glad that you’re here and I would love to connect. Feel free to reach out to me at any of my social links below.”
– Bennett Forkner, Owner
About Bennett
I am an experienced organizer and visionary, able to problem-solve and strategize on a larger scale. I learn and adapt to new environments with ease, using my ability to address issues from different perspectives.
Professional Experience
Application Support Specialist @ Gordon College
September 2020 – Present
As an Application Support Specialist at Gordon College, my job consists mostly of monitoring, permissioning, and maintaining software that our campus uses, but my favorite projects are the ones that allow me to explore my skills in a more development-oriented context.
In particular, I have had the chance to work on multiple solo web development projects that have enhanced my practical skills as well as my ability to manage the project lifecycle.
Institutional Software Intern
September 2020 – Present
During my internship with Gordon College, I taught myself Windows PowerShell and built utilities for management of information/network systems. I also assisted faculty with tools to educate students online during COVID-19 campus closures.
Web Development Consultant @ Bennett Forkner Consulting
December 2020 – Present
While consulting in web development, I have the chance to work with small businesses on projects that will provide them with measurable improvement on their client relationships. I have worked with front-end developments as well as back-end API integrations, demonstrating the skills required to build a powerful web presence.

Summer Staff @ Christian Camps & Conferences Inc.
June 2018 – Present
As a Summer Staff Member at Christian Camps & Conferences Inc. I teach activities to summer campers and mentor them with strong foundational principles. I supervise campers for 2-4 week sessions, advising them as they build strong relationships with others.
Conference Staff
January – June 2020
As a Conference Staff Member, I was able to interface with many christian leaders, as well as to serve an organization whose values I support while providing quality food service.